
Showing posts from October, 2021

Impostor Syndrome?

Seeing the growing readership of my last article on LinkedIn last week, I kept thinking – I don’t write often and don’t even have a huge number of followers, so how did this happen? Must be that I just got lucky!!!   And my efforts to understand what was happening more lead me to Impostor Syndrome and its role in our lives 🙂   Impostor syndrome or experience occurs when we have difficulty owning our successes and feel like a fraud – when we feel that our successes are perhaps undeserved, despite all our efforts that have gone into making it a reality. The success or accomplishment is attributed to luck, right time/right place, and other factors outside of ourselves. The bigger the accomplishment, the more intense the feeling of being an impostor.   In my case, despite sincere comments and re-shares from readers showing that it struck a chord with many of them, it took some effort for me to accept that it was real!   Many well-known people admit to experiencing it, including Albert Ein